KHM Travel Group Launches New Website

New Website:

KHM Travel Group offers a comprehensive program for new and experienced travel professionals and now has a website that helps to fully showcase the benefits of partnering with our leading host agency! The modern look and refreshed content of provide a preview of the experience you can expect when joining our growing agent community.  Included […]

6 Things No One Will Tell You About Being a Travel Agent

 We happen to think that being a travel agent is one of the most rewarding paths you can take! However, it’s as much a lifestyle as it is a job. Clients can be demanding, and in such a rapidly-changing industry, it’s important for you, as an agent, to be adaptable as well! As a host travel […]

What Makes a Successful Travel Agent?

Starting an independent travel agency takes dedication, patience, and a little bit of courage. New agents need to focus on laying a solid foundation for their agency through education and business planning. Progressing from a beginner agent to a savvy travel professional is the next logical step. But what does it take to get to […]

6 Rules for Successful Travel Agency Branding

As an independent travel agent, you and your brand are almost inseparable. Why? Because the primary product you are selling is yourself! Developing a brand takes thoughtful consideration because so many aspects of your business are affected by the elements you choose to represent your brand. These elements include colors, fonts, a logo, a tagline, […]

What Are KHM Travel Group’s Core Values?

Khm Travel Group Core Values

KHM Travel Group began as a small team working in one office with the idea of being a host agency dedicated to helping agents achieve their dreams of selling travel. Today, we have over 70 team members. We work to provide our agents with the latest technology, up-to-date resources, and education both online and at […]

Travel Smarter with a Travel Advisor

Girls Lounging In Pool

Think about the services you rely on in life: your doctor, your accountant, your hairstylist or barber. Trust is the key to your connection with these professionals. Your health, your financials, and your hair shouldn’t be left to just anyone. The same is true for your vacation, whether it be a Caribbean cruise or a […]

5 Things Travel Agents Should Know About Working Trade Shows

Person Sitting Next To Suitcase Globe

Working trade/bridal shows is an effective way to share your travel agency’s brand with the world–or at least to your community. In addition to engaging with leads, you’ll also be able to network with other vendors who are at the show. You never know who is going to need the services of a travel agent […]

6 Signs You Should Become a Travel Agent


Have you ever considered starting your own travel agency but you weren’t sure if it was right for you? If some or all of these six traits describe you, then chances are, you will be a successful independent travel agent! 1. You Love to Travel Are you a frequent flyer? Do you subscribe to travel newsletters and magazines? Do […]

Perfect Match: Finding the Best Host Agency Partner


By: Anita Pagliasso, Vice President of Industry Relations Most home-based travel agents who choose to work with a host agency do so because they find it is easier to accomplish their goals and earn a higher income rather than trying to make it on their own. But finding the best host agency can be as […]

5 Ways to Prep Your Travel Business for 2024

2024 in block numerals in shades of blue and purple

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to make a fresh start for your travel business. Even if your 2023 stacked up to be a success, evaluating what worked best can be a great way to build on those achievements in the coming year. Getting your goals in order now this month […]