Core Values: Positive Attitude

Written by: Michelle on August 05, 2020

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“Always look on the bright side.” “The glass is half full.” “We actually needed rain.” There are a million ways that we can find the good in our daily lives if we only stop to think about it.

Positivity is not something that comes naturally to everyone. It’s something you have to work towards. But when you go about life with a positive attitude, you often find that those around you pick up the habit as well.

That’s certainly the case with our team at KHM Travel Group. Sure, there are days when things don’t go as planned. The past few months have certainly shown that all of us in the travel industry. However, as our team shares in the video below, staying positive through challenges and finding a way forward is key.

As a company, we define our Core Value of Positive Attitude as, “We will promote positive interactions and recognition to encourage a caring and enjoyable environment.” By keeping a positive attitude, we have been able to accomplish new and exciting things over the past few months.

We recently launched our first edition of ROAM Magazine. This digital magazine helps travel agents inspire their clients to think about travel. Our Memberships Team has also been reaching out to our network of agents to check in and encourage them. So far, they have called over 3,000 of our agents! We also launched a new online educational series called Virtual EDU. These educational sessions help agents stay up to date and take their businesses to the next level.

Positive Attitude is key to our team and our agents as we navigate changes in the world of travel. As we continue to work through the stages of survive, revive, and thrive, we know our KHM Travel Group team and our network of agents will focus on keeping a positive attitude. After all, it is one of the best ways to serve one another and travelers!

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