How to Translate Your Travel Experiences into Engaging Content

Written by: Guest on June 15, 2016

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One of our favorite sayings is “Traveling — It leaves you speechless. Then it turns you into a storyteller.

Some of us have a natural knack for storytelling, whether that be verbally, visually or in writing. However, even expert storytellers can be rendered speechless by a stunning mountain view, or a once-in-a-lifetime meal, or the genuine hospitality of strangers.

Part of selling destinations is being able to bring them to life for prospective clients through engaging content. Whether it’s on social media, or on your website, or even just in describing your trips to people you see in passing, translating your travel experiences into compelling stories demonstrates your passion and your first-hand travel knowledge.

These tips will help you tell richer, more engaging stories when describing your travel experiences.

Have a Goal

Have a clear objective when creating your post/video/email/photo album, and make it known to your audience. That way they’ll stick with you, to find out whether you achieved your goal. For instance, a blog post might have a goal of demonstrating why a certain cruise ship is ideal for families, or of convincing readers that fall is the best time to visit Hawaii.

Traveling is very beneficial for your travel business, but it’s not beneficial to your clients unless you provide them something of value. This could be entertainment, information or inspiration. Even if it’s just post on Instagram or Twitter, take a moment to consider what you want your audience to gain from it. Of course, your underlying goal should be that they are inspired to contact you and book a trip!

Stick to the Highlights

Museums often have more than half of their collections out of the public view for a good reason: they carefully select the pieces that best tell a certain story. Let’s face it, not every single moment of every trip is worthy of re-telling. Not every single picture is worth sharing with the world.

Your trip is a series of events, it is not a story in itself. Think of yourself as the curator of your travel experiences, and of your brand. Whether you’re summarizing your recent trip in your email newsletter, or uploading albums to Facebook page, highlight the most memorable moments. The moments that made you say, “wow” will probably be the most interesting to your audience too!

Choose Your Words Wisely

Stories are driven by words, so you can think of each word as a chance to pull your listeners into the narrative. Try to be as specific as possible with descriptions. Don’t just say that an island was beautiful or that a meal was delicious; explain how it was beautiful, and why it was delicious. All beaches are sandy — what’s special about the one you just visited?

There’s no need to carry a thesaurus to craft more captivating sentences. Mix up your writing by using action words as often as possible, and by drawing on all five senses for your descriptions.

Bring a Unique Perspective

Add a personal touch to your brand’s story with a fresh take on a familiar destination, landmark or experience. Use a first-person perspective (using “I” instead of “you”), and don’t be afraid to recall how a place or experience made you feel. Include yourself in some of your photos – even if that means taking selfies!

We might not all have the same tastes in terms of what’s relaxing, or what’s fun, or what tastes good. But everyone can relate to emotions: feeling calm, or thrilled, or astonished, for instance. Most people have an idea of what the Grand Canyon and the Eiffel Tower look like, but experiencing them first-hand might have a completely different effect on you than someone else.

You don’t need to be Anthony Bourdain to tell an interesting travel story. It just takes few minutes of planning, and a little creativity. Taking notes while you are on the road never hurts, either!

The demand for travel agents continues to grow as more and more people recognize their value and experience. If you have a passion for travel and would like to become a part of this exciting industry, then starting a home-based travel agency might be a perfect fit for you!

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